The Cost of Acupuncture in Scottsdale vs. the Cost of Disease
It always amazes me how people prioritize their spending, especially when it comes to their health. When you compare the cost of treating diseases with the cost of maintaining good health and preventing disease, such as with acupuncture in Scottsdale, the savings are tremendous.
Healthcare Costs and Disease on the Rise
The cost of healthcare in the United States – which ultimately increases the cost of health insurance – has risen every year for the past 50+ years. And most recently, the costs have risen at a faster rate than that of the economy’s recovery, making healthcare virtually unaffordable for a lot of people. No matter what healthcare plan is in place (government or private), costs will continue to rise due in large part to the health of the population and the technology and procedures used in treatment.
About half of all adults in the U.S. have a least one chronic disease and 25% have two or more. That is an astounding number! And a number that drives costs up. Chronic diseases are very expensive to treat because they require costly ongoing procedures. Then if you have one chronic illness, it very often leads to another. The sicker you are, the more expensive the treatments.
But there is good news! Most chronic illness is avoidable. I don’t mean catching the problem early; I mean avoiding it in the first place. Once you experience symptoms, it’s often late in the disease progression. That’s why prevention and maintaining wellness is so vital. Ideally, you eat healthy and exercise as your baseline, although we don’t or can’t always do that. But we can still be proactive.
Listen to Your Body
To be proactive, you have to listen to your body. So what are the earliest red flags to watch for to avoid disease? Stress is the big one. If you lead a very stressful life with work and family commitments, you need to reduce your stress. Stress is one of the key factors that will eventually lead to chronic illness. It should not be ignored! Poor sleep is another indicator, as it’s essential for restoring the body and mind. If you are not getting enough quality sleep, you will see your health decline in other areas.
The other giant red flag is digestive problems. Issues with bowels, bloating, fatigue and inability to lose weight are all signs of poor digestion. Most people think their digestive issues are no big deal or maybe something they ate, but continued problems with digestion are early signs for diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes, diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease, just to name a few. And ALL of our bodily processes, as well as our mind, depend on the proper functioning of our digestive tract.
Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Your Wallet
There are two significant ways to reduce healthcare costs going forward. First, take care of yourself. Meaning actively do things to improve your health and limit or eliminate things that are harmful to your health. Secondly, adopt a preventative medicine mindset that focuses on keeping you healthy in the first place, or restoring health before disease sets in.
What I love about acupuncture is that it is a preventative and restorative medicine. If you’re relatively healthy, acupuncture keeps the body balanced and functioning optimally. It actively combats stress, promotes more restful sleep and keeps the body’s systems running smoothly, especially digestion. The patients that I treat preventatively come about once per month. Typically after about four weeks they feel “off” and know it’s time for a treatment. They report a sense of wellbeing when they leave the office.
Those who have health issues to resolve need to come in more frequently. But when they are committed, they see the benefits. When I think about the cost of acupuncture in Scottsdale versus the cost of getting seriously ill, especially as costs keep rising, it makes so much sense to use a medicine that is relatively inexpensive. One that will keep you healthy rather waiting until you’re really sick and are forced to spend much more money to manage symptoms for the rest of your life.
Acupuncture in Scottsdale Makes Your Health a Priority
I always say, if you want healthcare costs to go down, take care of yourself. Make your health your priority. Every dollar you spend today is an investment in YOU—and it will pay you back tenfold down the line. Not just in reduced medical bills, but in quality of life. There is no better investment that you can make for your future than in yourself! Call me today to schedule a complimentary consultation for acupuncture in Scottsdale.