Acupuncture for Chronic Illness Class
Acupuncture for Chronic Illness Presentation
Wed., Apr. 20 at 5:30 p.m.
Begin Within Family Wellness
7120 E. Indian School Rd. Scottsdale, AZ
Learn about HOW ACUPUNCTURE FOR CHRONIC ILLNESS can help with conditions from stress, anxiety and depression to pain, sleep and OB/GYN issues. If you’ve thought about Scottsdale acupuncture but don’t know what it was all about, who to go to, what you can expect in terms of the treatment and the results, here is your chance to LEARN MORE! This will be a short presentation with a question and answer session. All attendees are eligible to WIN A NUTRAMETRIX® OPTIMAL WELLNESS KIT including Omega III and an Isotonic Multivitamin and Activated B Complex. And help a friend or loved one… bring a buddy who might also benefit!
Space if very limited so RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY at Eventbrite: Acupuncture for Chronic Illness Class.