
Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world. Very fine needles are inserted into acupuncture points to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. Acupoints are small energy vortexes that are located along 14 systematic pathways (channels) where the qi (vital energy) travels. They can also be found at “ashi” (pronounced ah-shir) or tender areas, as well as at muscle trigger or motor points.

Acupoints are areas where the qi is concentrated and more easily accessed by needle insertion and manipulation. Acupuncture benefits you by supplementing qi deficiency, dispersing excess qi and removing qi blockages to restore health.

Acupuncture needles are about as thick as a strand of hair. They come pre-sterilized in their package for use and are discarded immediately after use. The procedure is safe and gentle. You may feel a tiny pinch but it does not hurt. Many people become relaxed and even fall asleep during treatments.

"I've lived with anxiety and depression for many years. It's difficult to feel motivated, even to do the things I love. I also have Fibromyalgia which exacerbates the problem causing aches, foggy head and fatigue. There are times when I can't get out of bed. I've tried many anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, but still didn’t feel as good as I know I could. I was skeptical that acupuncture would help. After my first treatment, I felt relaxed and less anxious. After several weeks of treatment, I am sleeping better, have more energy and I'm now working. Acupuncture has made a big difference in my life. Linda has been a great help to me, making me feel relaxed and comfortable to receive treatment. I look forward to continued treatments and starting herbs." -F.E.

What Does Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture is one of the fasted growing forms of medicine in the United States, and there is increasing recognition of its effectiveness.

  • According to a 2007 National Institute of Health (NIH) survey, at least three million adults nationwide use acupuncture every year.
  • “One of the advantages of acupuncture is that the incidence of adverse effects is substantially lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same conditions.” – 2007 NIH Consensus Conference on Acupuncture
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes 28 conditions for which acupuncture has been proved – through controlled trials – to be effective, including allergic rhinitis, back and joint pain, depression, epigastric pain, gynecological disorders, headache, sciatica, injuries, tendonitis and stress. And an additional 63 conditions were recognized to have therapeutic effect from acupuncture but for which further studies are needed.
  • The 2007 NIH Consensus Conference on Acupuncture found there is conclusive evidence for acupuncture benefits in the treatment of low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, postoperative and chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting, nausea from pregnancy, and for postoperative dental pain. Evidence also suggested acupuncture can treat carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps and tennis elbow.