How do acupuncture and herbs help sinus infections? Part 1 of 2-part series
Are you struggling with congestion and swollen nasal passages, along with a runny nose and thick discharge? What about a pounding headache and sinus pressure? Does it seem to get worse rather than better? You may chock it up to seasonal allergies, tis the season after all. But for many people, these are actually symptoms of a more chronic sinus infection.
Sinus infections are becoming more common and more chronic as people become more sensitive to allergens. Especially in the spring and fall, when we are exposed to increased airborne particles that tend to trigger allergic responses in the mucous membranes… leading to sinus infections.
Most people think that seasonal allergic responses and chronic sinus infections are brought on and bothered by outside allergens. This is a common misconception. Often times sensitivities to foods, detergents, preservatives and other sources can also trigger allergic responses that lead to chronic congestion or inflammation of the mucosal lining. Not all seasonal allergy symptoms are caused by seasonal allergens.
Kick Chronic Sinus Infections to the Curb – Without Medication
When you want to get rid of the mucous and inflammation, you may reach for antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Many Americans do, especially in fall and spring. While these medications can help with those specific symptoms, they don’t actually address the root problem.
Antibiotics won’t work if your biological terrain has not been reviewed and addressed. And antibiotics pose a risk to your gut microbiome by predisposing you to a buildup of yeasts that are unaffected by antibiotics. So to truly resolve a chronic infection, start by strengthening your immune system. Your immunity is affected by many factors, including over-consumption of sugar, unrelenting stress, lack of sleep, environmental toxins (i.e. allergens) and negative emotions. Many people are more susceptible to sinus infections because of a generalized weakened immune system. Enter acupuncture and herbs! These two Chinese Medicine treatments can do a lot to strengthen deficient immunity. And boosting immunity helps no matter what the antagonist is.
For example, digestive imbalances weaken the immune system and can even lead to fungal overgrowths like Candida, which can then cause chronic sinus problems. So it’s important to determine if fungal overgrowth in the digestive tract or even locally in the throat or sinuses is leading to the problem. Herbs, diet, supplements and antifungals can get rid of some less serious fungal problems. In severe cases, it may be necessary to refer you to a functional doctor for allergy testing and to help guide you through a treatment program.
Building up your immune system and keeping it strong is just one way Scottsdale acupuncture and herbs help you battle sinus infections. In part two, we’ll talk about other ways Chinese Medicine actually helps prevent infections and allergies in the first place. And what some of those other inconspicuous allergens may be. If you’re ready to give your nasal passages a break and a breath of fresh air, schedule a consultation with me today!