Back to Better Faster: Acupuncture for Back Pain
Back pain is a problem. It’s one of the top ailments people complain about and seek treatment for. In fact, WebMD estimates that 80% of people will have back pain at some point in their lives. Conventional medicine uses pharmaceuticals to temporarily control pain, along with rest to prevent further injury and allow for recovery. How many people have the luxury to lie around waiting for the back to feel better? We have busy lives, right? As a matter of fact, rest is not good for back pain or most other pain.
Acupuncture provides pain relief without medications and it shortens the time for healing by increasing blood and energy flow to repair tissue. So you can continue with your normal life and feel better. It also relaxes musculature to improve body alignment and balance to prevent future injury. And, at WholeSelf you are advised of the proper movement and exercise to help speed recovery. Although acupuncture is used to help relieve a variety of symptoms and ailments, back pain is the number one reason people turn to the treatment. And for good reason. Studies show that chronic back pain is one of the conditions that acupuncture is best for. So how does acupuncture work for back pain?
Acupuncture for Back Pain Restores Balance
Scientific studies show that acupuncture stimulates the release of chemicals, such as endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and natural opioids into the body, which decreases the pain sensation and provide a sense of well-being.
In a recent Forbes article, acupuncture is seen as a plausible solution for not just pain, but also for the current “opioid crisis” in this country. There has been a push from both doctors and the government to find alternative treatments for pain, other than prescribed opioids like morphine, methadone, codeine and oxycodone. Of the recommended alternative treatments, which also include meditation, yoga and art therapy, acupuncture is seen as a preventative and treatment therapy. And not just for back pain relief. Acupuncture could actually be an option to help patients beat an opioid habit or addiction.
To Each His Own
Acupuncture for back pain works for many people, but as with most therapies, the treatment itself, results and duration all vary by patient. Acupuncture for back pain often works best as part of a holistic treatment plan when combined with chiropractic care, physical therapy, exercises, herbal medicine or even along with some medications.
To schedule acupuncture for back pain in Scottsdale, contact Linda Lofaro at WholeSelf today to start feeling relief as early as tomorrow.