Neuro-acupuncture now at Wholeself
Wholeself Acupuncture is proud to offer the latest in neuro-acupuncture treatment. Whatever your situation, we’re glad to assess it and see how we can best help you.
What is neuro-acupuncture?
The Technique
Neuro-Acupuncture is a scalp acupuncture technique that dates back about 45 years. Unlike the Chinese medicine theory of channels and points, it identifies areas on the scalp that correspond to the inner workings of the brain using Western medicine’s somatotopic mapping.
Neuro-acupuncture integrates needling methods with biomedical neurology to reclaim old and recruit new brain and central nervous system connections where damage has been caused by disease or injury. By utilizing the neuroplasticity of the brain to rewire connections, motor and sensory functions can, in many cases, be restored, particularly when treated in the early stages. Neuro-acupuncture also regulates brain activities and brain chemistry to modulate emotions, pain sensation, vasodilation and constriction, and endocrine and limbic functions.
The Benefits
Neuro-Acupuncture is effective in treating acute and chronic central nervous system disorders, including: paralysis, aphasia, vision and hearing disturbances, balance issues, phantom pain, complex regional pain, ataxia, tremors, anxiety, depression, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, PTSD, ADHD and Autism.
While each person responds differently, many experience remarkable results with just a few needles and in a few treatments, often bringing about immediate improvement.
Make your appointment today and we’ll see you soon!