Solving the Insomnia Dilemma with Chinese Medicine
In acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine, insomnia is a symptom of an imbalance in the body rather than a disorder in it’s own right. There are ear and body points that address sleep directly, however, it’s most important to get to the source of the problem which usually involves more complex root causes. Over time, poor sleep patterns can become habituated in our body and brain, and like many habits, not easy to break.
Chinese Medicine treatments like acupuncture and herbs are very good at helping with insomnia from a variety of root causes. A proper diagnosis is key, as is patience in the process. If the insomnia has been problem for a while, it takes time for acupuncture and herbs to impact the underlying causes before the symptoms will change. And if the pattern has become habituated, the brain takes time to reprogram.
Break the Insomnia Habit
Always start with good sleep hygiene, so to speak. Be consistent about sleep and wake times. No stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate, alcohol or sweets before bed and definitely no electronics, cell phones, tablets, computers or TV for at least 45 minutes before sleep. Try meditating 15 minutes before bed. Or if mental “To-Do” lists plague you at night, make a list an hour before bed, kind of like a brain dump, and then tell yourself you’ll review it in the morning.
I do a process of toe tapping and neck rolls on my wooden pillow. It puts me in a meditative, hypnotic state. Then I recite some affirmations about my upcoming great night’s sleep and off I go, into la la land. But, if you’ve tried most everything and still find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, then it is time to start addressing those underlying issues with acupuncture and herbs.I have more good sleep tips that have helped me over the years and my sleep has improved over 80%. Contact me for a consultation and let’s see what Chinese Medicine can do for your insomnia.