May is stroke awareness month, making it a good time to shine some light on news and treatments in this often confusing and serious arena. Most people think stroke only happens to elderly people but sadly, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of young people experiencing stroke. Hospitalization due to stroke for… READ MORE
A stuffy, runny nose and pounding headache are no way to spend spring. Unfortunately, many people are struggling through the season thinking they are fighting seasonal allergies. Upon closer look, a lot of those people are actually battling a more serious and chronic sinus infection. As we discussed in the last blog, chronic sinus infections… READ MORE
Are you struggling with congestion and swollen nasal passages, along with a runny nose and thick discharge? What about a pounding headache and sinus pressure? Does it seem to get worse rather than better? You may chock it up to seasonal allergies, tis the season after all. But for many people, these are actually symptoms… READ MORE
It always amazes me how people prioritize their spending, especially when it comes to their health. When you compare the cost of treating diseases with the cost of maintaining good health and preventing disease, such as with acupuncture in Scottsdale, the savings are tremendous. Healthcare Costs and Disease on the Rise The cost of healthcare… READ MORE
You probably don’t think about your gut that much, other than when you’re hungry or when you’ve eaten foods that don’t agree with you. For many people, the gut is just a way to process food and nutrition, then expel what the body doesn’t need. But the truth is, your digestive system is the foundation… READ MORE
It’s that time of year when we set out with the best of intentions and the highest of expectations for a truly joyous holiday season. But by the time the last week of December rolls around, most of us are all too eager to get back to our regular routines. We are so stressed and… READ MORE